
Girl Scout Daisy Troop 694 at Rehoboth Town Office - Spring Clean-up

L: Jen LeComte and Ron Whittemore at the Spruce of the Town fundraiser.
R: Nancy Muri at the Litter Prevention Bags table at town meeting.

Members of the Rehoboth Board of Selectmen and spouses help clean up.
North Rehoboth neighbors team together for the KRB Spring Clean-up.

Christian Life Church group during the Spring 2019 Clean-up.
KRB TRASH BARRELS With support from local businesses, sturdy metal trash barrels were purchased as part of the Rehoboth Litter Prevention Intiative started by Abby Abrahamson in 2017. Artist Melissa Treichler designed and donated the beautiful rural Rehoboth illustration. Located throughout town for easy trash disposal, the barrels are maintained
by the town's Highway Department.